
Help! Grandmother has full-blown dementia after hip surgery: what do we do now? Sep 23, 2022
After Grandaddy passed away, Grandmother's life got very difficult. And consequently, so did ours.
That sounds like a selfish thing to say, and we don't mean disrespect by saying it, but darn, it's true.
She and Grandaddy had been married for sixty-four years, and you just don't bounce...
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Grandaddy fell and I can't lift him up: what do I do? Sep 23, 2022
We will never forget that phone call. My husband and I were having a lovely evening together when his mom hysterically called us for help.
We dropped everything and rushed over to their home. We found Grandaddy lodged between two tables in the office, and it was true: Grandmother couldn't...
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Could your procrastination create your family's worst nightmare? Sep 23, 2022
Do you have an annoying task that you keep putting off? Is it unloading the dishwasher, folding the mountain of laundry, mowing the lawn, changing the oil in your car, or maintaining the gutters around your house? Those nagging thoughts just won't stop. They cover you and shroud you in this black...
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Expecting the Unexpected Sep 23, 2022
We know life is precious, and we expect it to end at some unexpected time, way off in the far distant future, but how many of us really plan for that unexpected, expected end?
When I was a young child, my dad told me this story about his friend. He and his wife were enjoying a...
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Preparing for the Future Jan 05, 2022
My father loved the Boy Scout motto: " Always be prepared. " That was the motto by which he lived.
He was always ready for any situation. I really don't know exactly how he did it. He was always ready for work, he was always early and waiting with coffee and the newspaper until...
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Choosing Joy in Times of Despair Jan 05, 2022
Losing my father to cancer left a huge hole in my heart because there is just something special about being "Daddy's Girl." His whole face lit up with a massive smile every time he looked at me. His smile never stopped when it came to being around me. I loved how he treasured me and...
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Handling Strong Emotions with a Loved One in ICU Jan 05, 2022

In one day, New Year’s Eve will be here with joy and celebration ringing in 2022. However, my celebration will be postponed for a bit as my mom is in ICU, intubated and being treated for Covid. 

In years past, I would have been out of my mind in a frenzy of fear and upset and worst...

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Why don’t we put our affairs in order? Jan 05, 2022

Putting our affairs in order is NOT exactly what anyone really wants to do now, is it? People don’t spring out of bed in the morning excited and jubilant to have the opportunity to prepare for their demise. It’s just not an activity that we relish and find delight in doing.


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