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Could your procrastination create your family's worst nightmare?

Sep 23, 2022
Do you have an annoying task that you keep putting off? Is it unloading the dishwasher, folding the mountain of laundry, mowing the lawn, changing the oil in your car, or maintaining the gutters around your house? Those nagging thoughts just won't stop. They cover you and shroud you in this black presence that just won't go away. You get up and dread the chore. You go to bed and feel defeated because you didn't accomplish what you really needed to do. You feel like a putz and a failure. And the thoughts keep eating at you because you know you are supposed to do it. You know you can do it, you just don't do it.
We all know what it feels like when we have to do what we don't want to do and then put it off.
On the other hand, however, do you know how it feels when you finally accomplish what it was that you dreaded doing? There is a sense of lightness and even euphoria! It just feels so great! Afterwards, you wonder why in the world you waited so long to do it!
There are many tasks we need to accomplish in our "adulting" that aren't as simple as household chores.
Let's take a peek at another job you know you really need to do, but you don't want to move forward on it because it is a very heavy topic. It involves deep discussions and it involves finding papers and making an appointment with someone that you hope you won't be seeing again. It's along the line of scheduling a root canal: it's not a lovely mani/pedi or a massage. You sure as heck don't want to go. But you know you need to do something.
What we are talking about here is getting your affairs in order. It is so hard for so many people to think about it.
It involves understanding and anticipating our mortality, and nobody wants to go there. It involves deciding "who, what, when, how, how much" and many other difficult choices. Fear comes into play when we think about the inevitable "what if's" and the morbid possibilities. That fear stops so many of us.  Dread is our ever-present companion and we decide that if we think about bad things happening, they are sure to come. We reason that it's better if we don't think about anything going wrong, now we don't have to do anything.
We all have battled this perpetual argument in our heads, back and forth:
"I need to do this. I should do this."
"I don't want to do this."
"I must do this."
"It's too hard to do this."
Secretly, you really want to accomplish this unpleasant task; you say you don't want to do it, but when you really stop to think, deep down, you know that you really do. But you keep getting stopped out. You just can't seem to follow through and finish it.
Why do you suppose that is? What is stopping you from doing this important thing you can do for your loved ones? You are a real
go-getter in every other part of your life, and you don't procrastinate in other areas of your life, but this one thing is just bamboozling you.
If you were to really think about it and decide why you can't make your final plans for your life, what would you say?
Most people say it's just too hard. You have to make an appointment, find paperwork, try to understand the legalese your attorney will be speaking in and you don't want to feel like an idiot in the seat across from them. You wish you could do it yourself, but in order to do that you are going to have to spend hours and even days researching and studying and learning; it's the absolute last thing you want to do.
You want to feel like you actually understand what you are doing and what you are signing, but you are so busy raising your family and living your life that there just isn't time to invest learning about all this legal stuff. Then, you entertain this indulgent thought that if you die right now, you won't have to worry about it anymore and have wasted all that time! Let everyone else figure it out! That's when the pantry entices you to pay a long overdue visit to that box of Twinkies.....
But you know you aren't a schmuck, and you push all those thoughts aside. Coming back to reality, you realize that you really need to do something here, and it doesn't involve polishing off that box of Twinkies!
If any of this sounds like you, you are not alone. Two out of every three people you see are in the same boat as you! 67% of Americans do not have a will. That's because it's hard and no one wants to think about it!
Let's take a minute to picture what it would look like for your family if you were to pass away without plans in place, and they're trying to figure out what to do next:
  • Do they know who to contact to help them through the coming difficult days?
  • Will they be financially able to keep the house?
  • It looks like they could lose the car because they can't make the car payment: the bank accounts were frozen for four months during the probate process and they can't get the money to pay.
  • How do you suppose they are going to feel when they don't know the passwords to your banking and investments? Perhaps maybe they need your cell phone password so they want to see the photos that you took of the family vacation.
  • Here is a big one: minor-aged children. Will they go to the care of someone who loves them or will they be placed with a complete stranger? Or even worse yet, will the judge send them back to the abusive ex-spouse? 
  • Will your beloved GoldenDoodle end up in a shelter waiting to be adopted or euthanized?
  • Let's say now that you are still alive but terribly incapacitated: what if your kids need to make decisions regarding your medical wishes of life support/transfusions/feeding tubes and they have NO idea what you want? Do you really want them to have to face all of these issues alone without your guidance?
All of these scenarios stem from things that happen everyday to families who don't have written instructions left behind in the form of a will or a trust.
But here, my friend, is where we can change things up. Here is where you have an opportunity to find and follow a system that will help you achieve the goal of finally getting this annoying monkey off your back! You can finally lose the emotional weight and heaviness and dread that drags you down.
  • Picture breathing easier again.
  • Picture going to sleep and actually resting better because you did something amazing for your family and you are confident that they will be safe and cared for in their future should something happen to you.
  • Picture the load off your shoulders and picture the lightness you will feel in your heart!
Doesn't the thought of all those bad feelings going away inspire you, maybe just a bit? Maybe, give you a little bit of hope? When you finally do what you have dreaded for years and you finally accomplish what you thought would be unbearable, there is just an amazing feeling of satisfaction and safety. It feels so good.
It's not as hard as you might think.
This is something you can accomplish with a skilled attorney; but, many times, if you have a simple estate, this is something you can do by yourself online in about fifteen minutes! Imagine having put something off for fifteen years realizing that you could complete it in fifteen minutes! Fifteen years of agonizing dread, and in fifteen minutes, POOF! Done!
How would that feel to you? Would that be worth the bother? Would you be glad to have gone to the effort to consider finishing this task?
What if you had someone walking you through the decisions and processes? That would be such a comfort knowing you don't have to figure out everything by yourself.  Nobody likes to feel dumb, and when it comes to legal issues, so many of us feel completely inept! Having someone gently teach you what you need to understand without shame or embarrassment is in itself a gift.
If you are looking for someone to walk with you down this frustrating path of the unknown, click on the link below and come visit our website for some compassionate and caring ideas to get you started. We even offer a complete plan to finish this project you have dreaded.
Put it off no longer: we are here to help you get this DONE!  You are not alone!
Aging Agendas LLC, Copyright 2022 all rights reserved

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Did you know that only a third of Americans have made end-of-life plans? Procrastinating can result in major headaches and costs for your family. Take control of your journey with Aging Agendas!