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Expecting the Unexpected

Sep 23, 2022
We know life is precious, and we expect it to end at some unexpected time, way off in the far distant future, but how many of us really plan for that unexpected, expected end?
When I was a young child, my dad told me this story about his friend. He and his wife were enjoying a leisurely drive through the twisty turning mountain roads here in the canyons of the Southwest. The recent monsoon rains had flooded the area and softened the ground bringing with it the the bloom of beautiful wildflowers, a delightful summertime surprise.  As they were navigating the narrow, dusty mountain roads near the steep drop-off cliffs, an enormous boulder, high above the road, shifted in the loosened soil and dropped straight down upon the car, directly on his wife in the passenger side. The stunning beauty of the rocky cliffs and lovely wildflowers no longer mattered; It was the last time they were together. It was her unexpected, expected end.
We just never know when we will pass away. Often times, immediately following the funeral of a friend or loved one, we typically ponder our own mortality. Most of us think about getting our own affairs in order, as we realize that we want to be prepared to protect our families in the event of our absence.
Planning, ahead of time, however, when the skies are sunny and all seems well, is not something we would naturally think to do, but is, in actuality, the best practice. We are not stressed, our heads are clear, and we can think and plan carefully. Thinking about what we don't want to think about, at a time when we don't want to think about it, can actually be a very good thing.
Thinking about the needs of our families, those counting on us for safety and protection, can give us a sense of purpose and mission. When we picture them, grieving and frustrated, trying to sort through our papers or belongings looking for what they need to go on living their lives, we realize how much we can help them, right now, before it is actually necessary.
Getting our affairs in order is a selfless and generous act of kindness to those we love the most. We are doing the hard stuff, so they don't have to. We are doing the thinking and the planning so they can pick up where we left off and continue on.
Many people are overwhelmed at the thought of trying to decide exactly how to make their final plans for their lives, so they do nothing. Many cannot afford legal services, and so they do nothing, unintentionally leaving their families in a precarious situation. Many are fearful of the uncomfortable future and its uncertainties, so to avoid discomfort, they do nothing. Most simply don't know where to begin, so, unfortunately, they do nothing.
Two thirds of the people in the United States do not have a plan in place to protect their families. That means out of every three people you see and interact with, most likely, only one of them has planned ahead!
That means if you are one of those who haven't made a plan, then you are in the majority! You are not alone!  The great news is that there are so many solutions for you that aren't overwhelming, or expensive or uncomfortable.
If you would like some extra motivation or clarity or even assistance putting your affairs in order, just head on over to our website for some ideas to get started right away.  You are not alone!
Aging Agendas LLC, Copyright 2022 all rights reserved

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