I’m Terri Izard, Founder of Aging Agendas.


I’m here to help with the burden that comes with end-of-life care and planning.



Death is the ultimate human experience. 

So why does something universal feel so lonely?

Most of us will care for an elderly loved one at some point...and all of us will age.

Yet, we don’t learn about this in school. We don’t talk to our friends about it. We either talk to our pastors, our lawyers, or no one.

This is a safe place to have those conversations and get some support.

Everyone here in the Aging Agendas community is...  


This journey is universal. It’s messy – it’s every sensation at once. It’s gut-churning grief, helplessness, and panic. It’s also hope, connection, and brief flutters of joy along the way. And we’re here for all of it.


Our time is not so valuable that we can’t stop to explain things until they make sense. At the end of the day, we know you’re just trying to get through a traumatic situation relatively intact…we’ve been there too.


We take all of this personally. It’s not enough to give you the information…we want a genuine conversation. We’ll be there when your heart is broken. We’ll be there for the ends, and for the new beginnings. 


If you're wondering, I'm not an attorney. 
I didn't marry an attorney.
I don't play an attorney on TV. 

I’m a mom.
I’m a daughter.
I am an educator and advocate.
I’m a legal-to-laymen translator.

I’ve provided care to both my parents and my in-laws, and only my mom is still with us. Settling their estates fell to my husband and I. I intimately understand how tough this process is.

I know, from experience, what happens when you have a plan for passing…and what can happen when you don’t.

I’ve been crushed by the overwhelm of trying to settle an estate while enveloped in grief. Frankly, it’s just plain hard. The photos below are so sweet, you'd never guess what was going on behind the scenes...

I’ve experienced the frustration of undiagnosed dementia. Spending hours and hours in fruitless searches for the “just right” item that could never be found. Just one day we spent hours  (store after store after store) searching for knee socks! But not just any knee socks. Not cotton, not rayon, not polyester, but not wool either – examining each pair for quality of construction, texture, thickness, durability, and the most important feature, length. And if you think we went home with socks that day, we did not.

I’ve gotten the dreaded phone call. “Hello?” “Terri, grandaddy fell. I can’t get him up.” I rushed over to my in-law’s home to find my six-foot-six, gentle-giant father-in-law on the floor, wedged between two tables in his office. It took three of us that day to get him back on his feet. We knew that was the beginning of the end.

In the space of two weeks, I moved my in-laws into their new assisted-living facility, facilitated the sale of their home, and cared for my own mother who was hospitalized at the time – all while my husband was traveling. 

I’ve cried so many times from the sheer frustration of never-ending forms, missing documents, life-insurance sleazeballs, and the weight of emotionally-charged paperwork that ultimately fell on my husband's shoulders. Our kind accountant helped us survive. Without him, we wouldn't have been able to settle everything.

I’ve tried to balance normal life while my dad was dying of cancer. The kids missed me, I missed them, my husband missed his wife, and I was so worried for my dad. It was a very dark time. My heart was literally dissolving from the weight of losing this person who adored me. 

I am eternally grateful to the beautiful people who helped us when we couldn't possibly imagine how to take the next step – let alone solve the enormous problems we faced.


You've probably already guessed, but this is why I founded Aging Agendas – so you don’t feel alone either.

This is a place for warmth and compassion.

Sign up for our newsletter to sort through what comes next.


As you care for aging loved ones (and get your own affairs in order) we can give you guidance, resources, and a few heaping teaspoons of empathy.

Be Like My Daddy

My father loved the Boy Scout motto: "Always be prepared." When he got his cancer diagnosis, he didn’t tell anyone, he hoped for the best, but he also began preparing for the worst. He did things around the house. He decluttered his tools and his belongings. He sold items that he didn't need anymore and busied himself with the file cabinets in the house. Drawer after drawer, he went through files and shredded papers.

Unbeknownst to us, he made trips to the local funeral home. He prepaid his funeral! He selected his casket, he selected his final resting place in the cemetery and even made future arrangements for the possibility of my Mom's passing.

He gathered all the important legal documents that Mom would need at his passing. He got his will, living will, living trust and social security card, his veterans' benefits, birth certificate, marriage certificate, discharge papers, life insurance policies and pension benefits. He placed all of these papers in the top drawer of the file cabinet – so easy to find. Everything was ready.

When he passed, we dreaded the arrangements. But, because of the thoughtfulness of my father, we had only a few minor decisions to make. He had everything figured out: his casket, his ceremony, his entombment. We made a few changes, and asked our pastor to officiate. We wrote the obituary and newspaper article, and we found tokens and mementos to share at his service. 

His selfless preparation was his last, loving act for his family – for me. I tear up every time I tell this story, because he made this shattering time smooth. 

I want everyone to have that kind of experience. He is my gold standard.

Help is on the way.

We have a myriad of articles to pull you through.

Aging is complicated, and it rarely goes the way we expect it to. We’ve been through this process with our own family…multiple times. It never gets simpler, but support can make it easier.


Six Online Legal Tools That You Shouldn't Ignore

Nov 30, 2023

The People and Terms in a Trust

Nov 23, 2023


This is Stickman Stu. He's a cheery little fellow.

I mentioned earlier that my sweetie, Brian, traveled a lot when the kids were young. He spent half of almost every week away from home. But he always found ways to connect with us while he was gone, and one of those ways was Stickman Stu. Brian would create comic strips with Stu on our calendars – reenacting fun memories, activities, and conversations we’d had while he was home. So, meet Stu. Now you can fall in love with him like we did.

Hey, if you're ready...


If you need help:

  • Caring for an aging loved one

  • Getting their affairs in order

  • Finding them a care home

  • Settling an estate

I'm right here.

You don't have to do this alone.


Let's have a conversation.

Book a free, 1-hr coaching session with me. I'll give you as many resources as I can, and a roadmap for next steps.Â