Creating your WILL doesn't have to be a dry, draining, dreary hassle.


Have you created your will yet?


  • A will tells your family (and the court system) what you choose for yourself, your loved ones, and your belongings if you pass away.
  • A will is the cornerstone – the foundation – of end-of-life plans. Before the trust, before the advanced directives, before the power of attorney…you need a will. 
  • A will is the only time in life, really, you get everything you want. 😁
  • A will is obviously best created with a lawyer, but 2 out of 3 people won't do ANY end of life planning. And it doesn't have to be fancy.


Doesn’t matter if you’re 18 or 80! Every adult needs a will. 



I hope you hear me. This is not just about who gets what. If you do nothing, your loved ones will be left to pick up the pieces. 

Plus it's simple. You can DIY it, and it can be 100% free to create.

I’m Terri Izard, Founder and Lead Instructor of Aging Agendas.


I'm not an attorney. I didn't marry an attorney, and I don't play an attorney on TV. 

I’m a mom.
I’m a daughter.
I am an educator and an advocate.
I’m a legal-to-laymen translator

I’ve lost three parents and, believe me, I intimately understand how hard this can be. I’ve been left to pick up the legal and financial pieces. I’ve felt like the only idiot sitting in a conference room swivel chair and signing documents without any clue what they meant – just knowing that each question I ask will cost me hundreds of dollars. I know, from experience, what happens when you have a plan for passing…and what can happen when you don’t.

Obviously an attorney is the very best solution. But if you won’t go see an attorney (or you just can’t afford one), you're in the right place. 

And (lucky you) you don’t have to pay me thousands of $$$$ to explain your options.

I'm here to support you! 

This mini course is a great fit for those of you who…

  • deeply care what happens to your family, but you’re intimidated by attorneys.

  • don't have a complicated situation (large estate, blended family, own a business)
  • can’t afford a drawn-out, expensive estate plan.

  • would do this yourself if you could figure it out, but you’re completely overwhelmed by all the conflicting information online.

  • procrastinate when you’re overwhelmed – so you cross your fingers and hope nothing bad ever happens.

  • are uncomfortable even thinking about death, much less making a plan for your passing.
  • think wills are mostly about money, and if you don't have a large estate with a lot of don't need one. WRONG. 


If this is you, take heart. 

I’ve translated pages of legal jargon into language you will actually understand. 

I’ve written example wording so you can just copy it word-for-word.

I've included easy ways to check your state laws, and listed what to check for, so you can be sure your will is valid in your home state.

I’ve put it all in one place, step-by-step. And, you guys – it's only $7. Accessibility matters to me, so I've priced this cheaper than a Starbucks iced white mocha with vanilla sweet cream, cold foam, and extra caramel drizzle.

Less yummy, of course, but cheaper.

This whole process can be totally DIY, and when you do choose a lawyer down the road…you’ll know exactly what you’re talking about.
"Honestly, I didn't think I even needed a will. I'm still in my 30s, and we don't have a lot of 'estate' to worry about right now. But I had no idea what could happen to my son and my family if I kept putting this off. I didn't realize a judge would make these life-altering decisions if I didn't. Terri is such a great teacher, so personable and fun. This process was completely daunting to me before, but now I know exactly what to do."


– Kayla
Marketing Specialist and Mom

Together, we're going to think through and list (in valid legalese)…


  • Who gets what.

  • Who gets nothing.

  • Who pays your debts on your behalf and which debts they should pay.

  • Who pays any final taxes on your behalf.

  • Who will step in to parent your minor children.

  • Who will manage any inheritances or investments until your kids are of age.

  • Your burial and funeral wishes.

  • Who will care for your pets. 

  • Who gets the house.

  • Who to tell about your will.

I’ll give you the exact wording from my will so you can fill in the blanks. Plus, some bonus downloads so you can take your cues from fun, familiar, famous families.

Just make your will!

There’s really no reason to keep putting it off! 

Go through my full mini course WITH the bonus downloads and sample wills! This is $7 that will save you and your family thousands (I'm really not exaggerating).

One-Time Payment of $7


Every adult needs this information.

And don't just take my word for it....

Before I started this course I felt overwhelmed by all the information and was afraid to begin. Terri is so encouraging and empowering: this is a great place for everything I need to be prepared to help my kids! I feel more confident with all the helpful PDFs and instructions. I can do a part at a time and not be overwhelmed!

Home Care Nurse and Mom 

I was afraid of the unknown: I just had no idea where to start and really didn't want to do this. But after watching, I felt comforted and set at ease. It is a great learning option and easy to get the information as well as the encouragement to get started.

Business Owner and Mom

Since we lost my partner's father to dementia, we have been talking about getting our affairs organized, but failed to take any action until we found this course. Terri gave us everything we needed to understand which bits of this complex subject were most important. This course gave us the confidence to make decisions. What incredible value!

Working Mom 

I promise, at the end of our time together… 


  • You will feel educated and empowered.

  • You will be able to have intelligent conversations with the professionals.

  • You will save time and money: everything is right here.

  • You'll get multiple, inexpensive options.

  • You’ll (finally) have peace of mind.


I believe in you and I know you can do this. 

It's rotten to have to think about this. 


Nobody wants to do it, which is why TWO out of THREE people don't do it at all. It’s unfun.
We'll zip right through. This course is so jam-packed, in 20 minutes you'll know about:

But I've created this course to be:

  • Not scary

  • Not terrible

  • Not boring

  •  Holographic Wills
  •  Written Wills

  •  Testators

  •  Executors

  •  Beneficiaries

  •  Successors

  •  Guardians

  •  Financial Guardians

  •  Witnesses

  •  Self-proving Affidavits

  •  Self-attestations

  •  And more…

Money Back Guarantee

My heart is to prevent the pain that so many families go through at a loved one’s passing (pain I’ve experienced). I want to hold your hand while you plan for your family’s future. 

But, if this course is not able to support you, simply email us, within thirty (30) days of purchase to have your full purchase price refunded. As soon as we receive your request, your funds will be returned by the same payment method of purchase.’s something none of us want to talk about.

(Or think about.)


But it would be irresponsible of me not to tell you what could happen to your family when you pass if you don’t put something in place. I’m not trying to upset you, but I need you to know how important this is – and it’s really not about money or material things. 

Writing a will can feel like legal and financial mumbo jumbo that doesn’t really matter, but each step is vitally important.

  • If you don’t have a will, your kids could go to foster care while the courts decide who gets them (and that could take six months). 
  • If you don’t have a will, your beloved pets go to animal shelters because the first responders have to do something with them.
  • If you don’t have a will, your partner of 23 years could get nothing and become homeless if you aren't married and you don't leave your possessions and/or house to them.
  • If you don’t have a will, greedy family members can petition the court for stuff you wanted your loved ones to have.
  • If you're sharing a will with your spouse, that will becomes legally-binding when one of you passes – there will be no opportunity for the surviving spouse to make changes...ever.
  • If you don't have a will, no one will know what your burial and funeral wishes were.
  • If you don't have a will, it's a "he-said, she-said" in court to decide what you would have wanted.
  • If you don’t have a will, the a judge (a complete stranger) will choose someone to settle your estate – and they may pick the very person you didn't want.

  We don't want to see our loved ones crushed by the pressure of forms, court dates, expenses, and family drama while they're grieving. 


Even if it’s just a bare-bones solution, 

something is better than nothing.


Pick your least bad option. If you don’t, a complete stranger (a judge) will make these decisions for you and your family. 

The pain is preventable.

Create your WILL today!

Get the Last Will & Testament Mini Course for just $7


I want you to feel completely confident in your purchase and your choices. If your question isn't on this list, feel free to email me at _____________.


Not the right time?

That's totally alright. We can baby step this process. Sign up for my newsletter for helpful resources on aging and taking care of your loved ones.

We can revisit this later.

We are not attorneys, and cannot provide legal advice to you. This information is for educational purposes only, and we always recommend consulting legal counsel.